lessons people often learn too late in life

huma shah
6 min read17 hours ago

Lessons to be learned in the early stage

Life is a journey filled with lessons, some learned earlier than others. The most crucial lessons often come to us late in the game, sometimes too late to apply them. But what if we could skip the waiting part?

1-Value of time

Time is one thing you can never get back, yet we often squander it without a second thought.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how we choose to spend it can make a world of difference.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, forgetting that time is our most precious asset.

2- Self-love is essential

Growing up, I always had this notion that putting others first was the noble thing to do. I would often neglect my own needs to ensure others were happy.
But, as life progressed,

I learned the hard way that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

I was burning out, trying to be everything for everyone while forgetting about myself.
It took a personal crisis for me to realize how important self-love is.

I had to learn to prioritize myself, my health, and my well-being.



huma shah

peacelover,blogger,and good human,optimistic thoughts less hate ,more love this world needs. Be generous to everyone you meet is fighting a battle inside..