Be yourself, choose yourself again and again

Be yourself .You matters first

huma shah
3 min readJan 18, 2024
image taken from google

Let the haters ,manipulators do all the time some hateful stuff to do for yourself ,infarct haters ,manipulators, jealous are those who cant do anything to favor you in response rest of their life ,and cant bear to be the way you are ,and they come up with negative vibes to turn you down by hating ,manipulating, abusing and consider themselves to be a positive person

social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect which refers to our tendency to overestimate how much other people think about us or notice us. The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own problems/life that they rarely, if ever, spend much time thinking about ours.

How many times have you shrunk yourself because you fear being judged or criticized or betrayal by anyone or left you with consideration ?

Let all feelings throw in trash to go away forever First ;

Don’t let others stand in the way of your success. There will be many people who will decide you can’t do something.

These people are everywhere, and they may feel impactful in the present moment, but they will not matter soon enough as you progress in your journey



huma shah
huma shah

Written by huma shah

peacelover,blogger,and good human,optimistic thoughts less hate ,more love this world needs. Be generous to everyone you meet is fighting a battle inside..

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