Amazed to see 46 years old lady begging for relationships …plz girls wake up. Never lower your standards to get in relationship ,to have a man ..Be the best version of yourself .
Girls are beautiful, their hearts are beautiful ,why they fall for lower level to get in relationship ?If someone don't understand what's in your heart ,mind, then why begging to get in .you re more amazing ,beautiful creature to get love in all shapes, either in form of your parents, brother ,sister ,friends, and the real person who will come one day in your life to say you are just amazing and I accept you with all your flaws.
There is another perspective may be ,if you get your partner that's ok .but if you cant find good one make yourself brave enough to accept the reality that it happened ,you will get love from all your family ,surroundings and the real person to come and say you just you re the queen of my heart. Be yourself man is not the last solution to live in this planet and all your happiness you will get to have your partner, and all your worries will be ended as your partner comes in your real and be yourself ,if you couldn't keep yourself happy how would you expect any person would make you happy.