7 years and called it love?
one of my colleague told a real story about a girl ,waiting for his beloved for years more than 6 ,and in return getting abuses from so called beloved,and more than to say about ,getting more cruel and harsh towards her..so I'm just letting my brain aside for a while and writing that if someone really loves ,why wit is necessary for a girl only girl to wait why?why can,t man ?AND MORE THAN IF She,s waiting for years and there is no improvement only wait and harsh attitude towards her.Is this society man eclipsed or there,s any way to compete this..Man is responsible for all .why they can,t protect women,why they ,re lazy to counter women grievances?women is not a stuff to wait ,to bear abuses,to bear all negative thoughts ,women is blessings why can,t asians man eclipsed society is ready to give them their rights ,women rights,protection,respect all it makes a beautiful combination..we should have to realize the importance of women.