5 Self-Compassion Exercises to practice daily

huma shah
3 min readMay 16, 2024

We all go through difficult times, make mistakes, or say the wrong thing sometimes. In these situations, our inner critic often takes over, scolding us and leaving us feeling angry, upset, disappointed, embarrassed, or ashamed at ourselves.

But what if there was a way to navigate these difficulties with kindness and understanding instead? That’s where self-compassion comes in.

“Self-compassion involves learning how to be kind, gentle, and patient toward ourselves when things in our lives get tricky, challenging, messy, sad, awful, or unbearable. It’s learning how to become our own best friend,” says Stephanie Strauss, a yoga, meditation, and mindfulness expert.

In this article, we explore the benefits of being compassionate toward yourself as well as five self-compassion exercises to help you get started. By taking a few minutes each day to connect with yourself with kindness, you’ll be able to replace negative self-talk with self-compassion.

At a Glance

Sometimes, we can be our own worst critic. But, what if we were our own best friend? How much stronger and happier would we feel?

Self-compassion involves being kind and loving toward ourselves. However, it doesn’t always come naturally to us. There are many exercises that can help us cultivate more self-compassion.

Benefits of Practicing Self-Compassion

Practicing self-compassion is important because it’s legitimately good for us, says Strauss. Research shows us that it can help improve our mental health and well-being in several ways:

  • Promotes acceptance: Self-compassion teaches us to be kinder and less judgmental toward ourselves.1 We learn to accept ourselves the way we are.
  • Enhances emotional regulation: Self-compassion helps us manage our emotions more effectively. Instead of suppressing or denying difficult feelings, we learn to acknowledge and validate them with kindness, leading to greater emotional stability.
  • Encourages self-care: When we’re compassionate toward ourselves, we’re more likely to take care of our physical and emotional needs.1 When things get tough, we stop for a moment and consider how we can take care of our own well-being rather than ignoring our needs.
  • Reduces stress: Being compassionate toward ourselves promotes self-care and helps us draw healthy boundaries to protect ourselves. This can help lower our stress levels.2
  • Improves mental health: Greater self-compassion is linked to lower levels of depression and anxiety, and better mental health.3
  • Improves physical health: Self-compassion has also been shown to boost physical health, by way of reducing stress.
  • Increases happiness: Self-compassion is associated with greater happiness, optimism, and life satisfaction.4
  • Fosters healthy relationships: By being kinder to ourselves, we’re more likely to extend that same kindness to others, fostering stronger relationships.

With self-compassion, you become your own best friend,

learn how to have your own back in any crisis or situation, and realize that you don’t need to look to someone else for the answers. You feel whole and complete exactly as you are and you have the wisdom and discernment to know exactly what you need and when you need it.



huma shah

peacelover,blogger,and good human,optimistic thoughts less hate ,more love this world needs. Be generous to everyone you meet is fighting a battle inside..